Have you ever thought about all the thoughts rushing through your mind? Maybe you've even stopped at some point and said "wow that was a weird thought!" how could I think like that?... Or thought a little troubled about that song that doesn't want to stop being played on repeat in there.
Your mind is like a sponge that absorbs all the impressions it receives. Some become more superficial and others are stored somewhat deeper in what we call the subconscious.
Right here is the first distinction, your mind is as much you as your car keys or your dishcloth. It is a tool and a superpower that you possess, if you can use it properly.
For example, you cannot unlock the car with the dishcloth any more than you can unlock the front door with the car keys.
But they belong to you and if you know how to use them, they are absolutely incredible tools!
Some thoughts we can drop in an instant like the dishcloth we can be without that, but the car keys.. whey more troubling to be without.
This is what it´s like with your thoughts. The one´s that you can´t be without (or think you can´t be without) they become "you" because you simply won´t let it go.
More often than not because you don´t even know that you are having the thought in the first place.
So here´s a paradox for you, you need to think about the thought in order to figure out that the thought is unreal. When you think about it, it makes sense but it will only get you this far. You are still looping in thoughts because like Einstein said "you can´t solve the problem with the same mind that created it".
Pausing for just a moment. Observe your breathing, feel your heart beating, again they are not you.
Distinction number two, now you are observing, feeling bodily sensations, not thinking, not doing, simply observing.
Now you are getting closer... Feel your fingertips, you are aware of them, you don´t need to think about them, you know they are there and if you focus you feel them. This is Awareness.
Awareness or consciousness. You are conscious of having a body, conscious of having thoughts and being alive, you are life.
You are that which knows you are alive, thoughts, feelings, digestion, breathing, growing hair and nails are byproducts of that lifeforce.
Meditate on this, being aware of thinking, observing breathing in, breathing out, again thoughts arise and you are aware they arise.
Feeling calm, observing breathing in, breathing out, noticing feeling positive, again thoughts arise, coming back to breathing in and breathing out.
Hearing the neighbors dogs fighting... Feeling angry, why are they always fighting this time over nothing holy shit just leave it alone, again becoming aware of thinking, aware of reacting, thoughts creating feelings making me feel angry, back to breathing in, breathing out.
Like this you meditate. Bringing your mind back every time it wanders off. Like the neighbors dogs you tell your mind to stay, sit and be still. Eventually the mind will do as it is told. Be patient, focus and keep meditating.
Do not get discouraged because of something that disturbs your mind, Be Aware of what is. You have unlimited power and potential. Believe in your self, you can accomplish anything, with the right mind.
